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ExxonMobil fundraisers visit MERU to see the fruits of their efforts

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Pictured in Image 1 are Jonathan and Sarah Leeson, Nick Rawson and Richard Wylde at the MERU centre in Epsom viewing a Bugzi wheelchair.

Throughout 2015, staff members at ExxonMobil’s Leatherhead Office have been supporting MERU an Epsom based charity that designs and creates equipment for children with disabilities. They recently visited MERU, to view one of the charity’s Bugzi powered wheelchairs for children, which their efforts have funded.

The ExxonMobil team members that visited MERU all took part in the Prudential Ride London-Surrey 100 in August. The team from ExxonMobil completed the challenging 100 mile cycle ride through London and across they Surrey Hills to raise £3,354.  Fundraising also took place with a staff fun day in the summer. The team’s target is to raise £10,000 by the end of the year, which would beenough to cover the cost of two Bugzis.

For more information about MERU please visit

About MERU

MERU designs and makes life-changing disability products for children and young people with disabilities. Some children have disabilities so complex that no available products meet their needs.

MERU is part of Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for Disabled People Family of Charities, working in partnership with other charities in the group for the benefit of children and young people with disabilities.


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