Hubs Mobility Advice Service

Helping people find accessible transport solutions in their area
A person getting onto a train, using a ramp to steer their wheelchair up. A train guard in a high viz jacket stands next to the ramp, and a third person is stood in the doorway.

If you don’t drive and have a physical or hidden disability, using public transport can sometimes seem complicated and a bit daunting. It’s important that people have the right mobility solutions available and can access transport safely, so they feel able to get out of the house and build their social connections and quality of life.

QEF provide accessible transport advice and information to people who have had to give up driving or plan to retire from driving; helping them to get about and make journeys easier. We support people in the Sutton, Merton, Croydon, Kingston, Richmond and Wandsworth boroughs as well as Surrey and West Sussex.  It can be easy to lose touch with your family and your community when transportation becomes difficult, particularly in these challenging times. We’re here to help you stay connected with family and friends and avoid feeling isolated.

What is the Hubs Mobility Advice Service?

This project is funded by the Department for Transport and delivered in partnership with Driving Mobility, with QEF being one of 15 Mobility Centres in England involved in the scheme. The aim is to provide support on accessible transport options so that people can rebuild social connections and reduce isolation and loneliness. Find out more about the Hubs Mobility Advice Service in South London, Surrey and Sussex or download our leaflet

We can provide:
– accessible transport information for your area
– support and advice with personal mobility options, such as using a mobility scooter for the first time or travelling with a hidden disability
– practical suggestions to increase confidence on public transport during the pandemic
– details of local befriending schemes to help you connect with others
– connections with local well-being and community groups
– connections with supportive organisations specific to health related conditions.

Where do I go for my appointments?

We can arrange a consultation at our Mobility Centre in Carshalton or alternatively advice sessions can be held over the phone or by video call. We can arrange meetings in community settings such libraries or community centres if it is difficult for you to get to us.

How do I contact you? 

You can arrange a face to face meeting, phone or video advice session by emailing or call 020 8770 1151. 

Application forms:

If you are a professional looking to refer your client, please download and complete this professional referral form and email it to

If you are self referring (applying for yourself) please download and complete this self referral form and email it to


Client stories

Watch Julie talk about how using the Hubs Mobility Advice Service improved her day to day life

Read Irina’s story about reducing social isolation:

Irina, sat in a chair, wearing a high viz jacket. The jacket is labelled 'Stroke Survivor'









Irina (47) lives in the Sutton area and has recently started using a mobility scooter after suffering 2 strokes. She is no longer driving and the strokes have had an impact on the distance she can walk as well as on her verbal communication skills.

After hearing about the Hubs Mobility Advice Service, her housemate thought Irina may benefit from an advice session. He was concerned that Irina didn’t see anyone apart from her carer during the day, as although she has a scooter, Irina is unable to travel independently.

Our transport advice sessions are held at various locations in the local community so they are easy to access for people with limited mobility. Irina came to speak to our advisor at a session held in her local hospital. We made her aware of a travel mentor scheme operated by Transport for London, whereby she would be accompanied by a mentor on her first couple of journeys using her scooter; providing her with guidance and confidence on things such as boarding a bus safely.

We were also able to signpost her to local groups in her area that provide yoga classes, choirs and arts and crafts facilities, to encourage her to rebuild connections in her local community. Irina had a keen interest in music before her strokes and was keen to see if having some social interaction could help her recover some of her abilities.


The Hubs Mobility Advice Service is funded by

Department for Transport


Contact our HUBS Mobility Advisor
020 8770 1151

Contact by Telephone

If you would prefer, you can contact the team via telephone on 020 8770 1151