
Client Outcomes

Making a measurable difference

Clients are assessed on admission for what they can achieve at that point and again at discharge, to measure the impact of the neuro rehabilitation therapies they have received.

The Barthel Index (BI) measures the extent to which somebody can function independently and has mobility in their activities of daily living (ADL) i.e. feeding, bathing, grooming, dressing, bowel control, bladder control, toileting, chair transfer, ambulation and stair climbing.

Barthel Admission and Discharge results for Stroke clients

July – December 2024


Discharge Destinations March – December 2024


Package of Care on discharge July – December 2024:


A measure of a wide range of functionalities for one individual, including physical, cognitive and psycho-social, to measure the impact of MDT therapies between admission and discharge.

This chart is a reflection of the measures used for a client who was with QEF for 5 months following a stroke, with significant improvements visible in their adjustment to limitations, grooming, comprehension and locomotion (walking).

FimFam May 24

This chart is a a reflection of the measures used for a client who was admitted following a left MCA infarction who was with QEF for a period of 12 weeks. Significant improvements can be seen in their dressing, comprehension, car transfers, concentration and community mobility among others. 



This chart is a a reflection of the measures used for a client who was admitted following a stroke, who had a history of multiple previous strokes. It was an extended stay with complex neurological care. It shows significant improvements in eating, swallowing, dressing, leisure activities and problem solving among others.

Fim Fam 3