QEF Neuro Rehabilitation Services, the division of QEF that helps people with acquired brain injuries to recover has launched a new brochure, just as news has been received that the Care Quality Commission (CQC) has rated the service as ‘Good’ across all areas.
Comments in the CQC report included:
- “People were well cared for and positive relationships had been established between people and staff”
- “People received a personalised service. Care and support was person centred and this was reflected in people’s care plans.”
- “The management promoted an open and person centred culture.”
- “Staff supported people in a caring and friendly way. “
- “The overall atmosphere in the home was relaxed and calm”
- “The registered manager interacted with people and staff with kindness and care”
- “Staff and managers were passionate about their work”
- A staff member said: “I love this job. It’s great satisfaction. I love the clients. If they have done something good I am so proud of them.
You can read the whole of the CQC report by clicking here.
This new brochure outlines the unique benefits of the service and includes case studies of previous and current clients, as well as their testimonies as to how QEF’s neuro rehab has helped them to put their lives back together. It also highlights the concentration of specialists in various areas related to neuro rehabilitation that QEF has brought together. It is this body of specialists all under one roof, in combination with the different types of accommodation on offer, that makes QEF Neuro Rehabilitation Services unique in its field.
Please click here or on the image below to download the new brochure.