QEF has hosted a series of virtual events since December 2020 with expert guest speakers and QEF specialists, discussing the latest developments in neuro rehabilitation and how COVID-19 has impacted the delivery of holistic, person-centred therapy and care.
Listen to Katy Swann, QEF physiotherapist and Rhianna Brien, QEF Assistant Psychologist, talk about solutions to delivering multi disciplinary, person-centred care during the pandemic. This content was delivered as part of the Neuro Education Clinic webisode ‘Rehabilitation in the wake of COVID-19’ on 29th January 2021.
Listen to Professor Alexander Leff and QEF’s Alena Jobson talk about the importance of Speech and Language therapy as part of multi-disciplinary neuro rehabilitation and how this has been impacted by the pandemic, as well the latest research. This has been developed as part of QEF’s Audience With ….. series and was delivered on 21st January 2021
Listen to Professor Barbara Wilson OBE, Clinical Neuropsychologist and QEF’s Head of Therapies, Carol Carr, talk about the latest developments in neuro rehabilitation and clinical neuropsychology. This was developed as part of QEF’s Audience With ….. series and was delivered on 10th December 2020