
BBC Radio 4 Appeal for funds to build more Bugzis

Simone McIntyre Presents the BBC Radio 4 Appeal

QEF would like to let our supporters and friends of the charity know about the BBC Radio 4 Appeal that is being launched to raise funds to allow MERU, a member of the QEF Family of Charities, build more Bugzis.

We encourage you to share the word and tune into the appeal which will air on BBC Radio 4 on Sunday  August 7th at 7.54am.

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Simone McIntyre is kindly presenting the appeal on behalf of MERU. Simone’s son Leonardo is disabled and uses a Bugzi so she knows more than most how much of a life-changing effect experiencing independent mobility for the first time can have on a child.
There are currently 23 children on the waiting list for a Bugzi and more children could benefit.  That’s why we urgently need the funds to build more.
Will you make a gift today to help us get more life-changing Bugzis out to them as soon as possible?
Your gift today could transform lives and opportunities.
A gift of £20 could help pay for the battery; a gift of £35 could pay for a set of wheels and castors for a Bugzi; and a gift of £50 could help pay for a control unit.
Whatever you can give, it all helps. Click here to donate
Tell your friends and tune in to BBC Radio 4 – available on FM 92 – 95 FM, 103-105 FM – on Sunday 7th August at 7:54am and 9:26pm, and on Thursday 11th August at 3:27pm.
Or listen later on BBC Radio iPlayer.
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