The support and enthusiasm from individuals and members of our local community groups to fundraise and raise awareness are vital to QEF.
If you have a different idea or just want to find out more about fundraising in your community, please contact
A very simple way you can support QEF is through ‘Easy Fundraising’, just register and every time you go shopping they will donate to QEF!
To find out more click the link below:
Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for Disabled People Fundraising | Easyfundraising
Thank you for your support!
Fundraising is a wonderful way to teach children and young people about the importance of giving back to their community but, more specifically, fundraising for QEF allows the opportunity to educate pupils about the challenges disabled children and young people can face.
How your school can support QEF
How QEF can support schools
“Working with QEF has been a dream! They are an extremely engaged charity, who have a great interest in student fundraising. A close relationship between a RAG and a charity adds another level of satisfaction and success to fundraising and this is something QEF has excelled at maintaining.” (Kings College London GKT)
We would work closely with the RAG team to create a full calendar of events – we of course, would love for you to think of unique fundraisers that you think would best suit the students as well. We have some amazing volunteering opportunities at our services.
Do you belong to a club or group?
We have a number of different clubs and groups who support us each year and lots of new ones who choose to support us as and when they can, these include:
And many more
If you want to fundraise for QEF through a group you are part of please get in touch, we would love to support you.
Whether you have a birthday coming up, a wedding, anniversary or are retiring, your big or little event could help raise money to support disabled people. Asking for donations instead of gifts is an incredible way to mark a special occasion.
We would be happy to support you in your fundraising.
Your small change can make a big difference. Here you can fundraise at your work, shop or your own event!
Recycling your unwanted items is a fantastic way to raise donations for QEF. You can do so in several different ways.
Recycle your Ink Cartridges
You can donate all your use ink cartridges and raise money for us. Click the link below to print off a free postage label to send used printer ink cartridges to send in your own envelopes. We will then receive a donation when you select us as your chosen charity! Recycle 4 Charity will also provide a collection box free of charge if you want to put one in your office or school. Please note toner/laser are not accepted.
Recycle your Jewellery
You can donate all your broken and unwanted jewellery to raise money for Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for Disabled People. If you have any gold, silver, odd earrings, broken chains, costume jewellery and watches, you can recycle them at no cost to you whilst making money for Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for Disabled People.
We can recycle:
Our partners at Recycling for Good Causes will reuse and recycle the jewellery and Banknotes, giving the proceeds to Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for Disabled People, saving precious raw materials at the same time.
If you would like to send your jewellery and banknote recycling to us, simply use your own envelope or jiffy bag (No bigger than A5 in size) and post free of charge by printing out the freepost label below and attaching to your envelope.
*Please do not send coins or stamps to the freepost address as the postage costs will far outweigh your donation.
Download your freepost envelope here
Recycle your old car
GiveACar are the UK’s largest scrap car and vehicle donation service and they organise free collection and recycling of your car. Click the link to donate your old car and choose Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for Disabled people as your charity. They are either disposed of, the value of the scrap metal is donated or placed in an auction, and sale price donated.
Find out more here
© 2025 Queen Elizabeth's Foundation for Disabled People
Website by Out of Place Studio